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Unlocking Autonomy in Distributed Workforces

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Self-Organized Teams

In the dynamic realm of blockchain technology, collaboration and adaptability are imperative. Rome Blockchain Labs, boasting a diversified workforce spread across the globe, sought to harness the potential of self-organized teams. The goal was to establish an autonomous environment that enables teams to flourish independently while contributing significantly to the overarching objectives of the organization.


In the dynamic realm of blockchain technology, collaboration and adaptability are imperative. Rome Blockchain Labs, boasting a diversified workforce spread across the globe, sought to harness the potential of self-organized teams. The goal was to establish an autonomous environment that enables teams to flourish independently while contributing significantly to the overarching objectives of the organization.


Distributed Team Emphasis:

Embracing the extensive spread of over 25 employees in over 10 countries, Rome Blockchain Labs leaned into its global diversity, betting on the strength of disparate perspectives and experiences.

High Autonomy Levels:

Rather than imposing rigid hierarchical structures, teams were endowed with considerable independence, enabling them to set their own norms, processes, and practices.

Communication Frameworks:

With autonomy, the need for efficient communication platforms became paramount. Tools and channels were established to facilitate cross-team collaborations and maintain the flow of information.

Decision Tracking Mechanisms:

Recognizing that highly autonomous teams might grapple with decision-making timelines, mechanisms were implemented to monitor and review prolonged decision processes, especially concerning significant undertakings like sunsetting a product.

Engagement Metrics Monitoring:

Key performance indicators, such as engagement rates and employee retention, were closely tracked to measure the experiment's impact on organizational health and productivity.


Natural Team Formations:

The distributed teams at Rome Blockchain Labs organically coalesced into functional groups, each crafting their own unique norms and practices which contributed to the collective mission.

Decision-making Delays:

While the autonomy spurred innovation and responsibility, it also introduced certain lags in decision-making processes, particularly when the authority was uncertain.

Extended Storming and Norming Phase:

The transition to self-organized teams was not immediate. The initial storming and norming phases spanned several months, requiring patience and persistence.

Impressive Performance Metrics:

Once the teams transitioned to the "perform" phase, Rome Blockchain Labs witnessed a significant surge in engagement rates. Furthermore, the turnover rates plummeted, underlining the success and stability of the adopted approach.


The experiment with self-organized teams at Rome Blockchain Labs proved successful. By empowering distributed teams with autonomy, the organization not only harnessed the innate strengths and diversities of its members but also boosted engagement and reduced turnover. However, the journey highlighted the importance of strategic interventions, especially during initial phases and in decision-making processes, to truly realize the benefits of such a decentralized approach.

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