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RBL Net Feedback Survey

Section 1: User Information

  • Name: 

  • Email Address:

  • Company: 

Section 2: Overall Impressions

  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with RBL Net's data and features? (1 being very dissatisfied, 10 being very satisfied)

  • What motivated you to participate in the RBL Net beta testing program?

Section 3: User Experience

  • How would you rate the ease of use of RBL Net? (1 being very difficult, 10 being very easy)

  • Were there any specific features or functions of RBL Net that you found particularly useful or impressive?

  • Was the Data Scope useful and easy to understand for the research of your project?

  • Was the data we provided enough to get the results you wanted?

  • During your use of BigQuery, did you find it easy to use?

  • Was our data hard to use/find and costly to use through GCP?

  • Did you encounter any issues, bugs, or areas for improvement within RBL Net? If so, please describe them.

Section 4: Use Cases

  • In what ways did you use RBL Net's data during the beta testing phase? (e.g., market analysis, trading strategies, decision-making, research)

  • Were there any specific insights or data points from RBL Net that significantly impacted your decision-making or trading strategies? Please share your experiences.

Section 5: Suggestions and Improvements

  • What additional features or data points would you like to see in RBL Net?

  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the user interface, data presentation, or user experience?

Section 6: Future Use

  • Do you intend to continue using RBL Net after the beta testing phase?

  • How likely are you to recommend RBL Net to others for their data and market analysis needs? (1 being very unlikely, 10 being very likely)

Section 7: Additional Comments

  • Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with RBL Net?

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