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How to Add RBL Net to Your BigQuery Account


Welcome to our tutorial on RBL Net, BigQuery, and Google Cloud. In this tutorial, we'll take you through the basics of BigQuery, from setting up your RBL Net Data on your Analytics Hub so it can be used in a Project.

Steps to follow

Let’s start with how you would add your RBL Net data. In order to choose the dataset you have to:

  • Click on the “Analytics Hub” on the left panel 

  • Click on the “Search Listings

  • Then type “RBL Net”

  • Click on “RBL Net”

  • Then click the button “+ add data set to project”

  • Pick a project you want RBL Net data set to go to

  • Pick whatever name you want for the RBL Net data set 

  • Click Save

  • Go Back to BigQuery Studio 

And now the RBL Net data set should be in the project you picked!


Thanks for watching this tutorial and I hope it was helpful. [I’m name of who’s recording] and see you on the next RBL Net video!

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